The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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Respect: They Are all heroes

Malta Independent Wednesday, 26 January 2011, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

The news of the passing of Annabelle Vassallo was sad. It is always sad to see someone still in the prime of life being struck down by the devastating disease that is cancer. Annabelle was truly inspirational, a true fighter with a grit and determination offset by her religious devotion and mild manners.

She had struggled against cancer since 2006 and the tumour was originally thought to have been killed off in 2007. But the cancer returned with a vengeance and killed Annabelle just short of her 40th birthday – a milestone she had hoped to achieve.

But it was not to be. Whether one believes in the afterlife, God, fate, or chance, it was Annabelle’s time to go. She knew it.

But just as Annabelle battled cancer and lost the fight against it, there have been many others who have died of cancer after similar long drawn out battles. There are others who are still fighting it. There are others who dread the doctor’s report as it might show that the cancer, like in Annabelle’s case, might return to kill them.

There are tiny tots and little children who wait patiently every day for a bone marrow transplant to beat leukemia. And this is a fact of life. There are hundreds of unsung heroes who battle cancer every year.

It is a very traumatic experience for the person who does eventually succumb to the disease, as well as for intimate family members who are the survivors. There are many families like Annabelle’s who will be grieving today. There are many who are still grieving months later after the passing of their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands and children.

There are those who sit, day after day, by the bedside of their loved ones, slowly watching their health and strength fail. All the while, they offer encouragement and love to those who are suffering.

But there comes a day when the patient knows that the end is not far. The last vestiges of strength seem to leave them and they finally give up. Who can blame them? After months (and years) of pain and sickness, their bodies cannot cope anymore. The frustration of losing the most basic independence to walk to the bathroom or reach for a glass of water finally subsides as they settle in for eternal peace.

The truth is that cancer is a horrific killer that takes us away slowly. There have been great advances in medicine over the years and success rates in treating the disease are constantly improving. But, for all those that are cured, there are a great many more who stoically endure the last months of their life. They all try to stay optimistic, because after all, everyone wants to live. But we have to understand that for terminal patients, even a smile is the greatest of efforts that can actually bring on pain. They are all heroes. They all deserve our respect.

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