The Malta Independent 18 June 2024, Tuesday
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Abidal’s Battle: Beyond sport

Malta Independent Saturday, 19 March 2011, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The news that Barcelona midfielder Eric Abidal needed to undergo emergency surgery to have a liver tumour removed earlier this week shocked the sporting world.

The question that one asks in the circumstances is how come a football player in the prime of his health can be the victim of such a cruel disease. Like most professional athletes, Abidal, still 31 years of age, leads a healthy life made up of physical exercises, nutritious food and regular check-ups.

It is thanks to the latter that the tumour was diagnosed early, and was successfully removed last Thursday. Whether the French international – he has played 55 times for his country – will completely recover remains to be seen. We surely hope that we will see him donning the Barcelona shirt as soon as possible.

He is not the first footballer to have been hit by cancer. Miki Roque, of Real Betis Seville, Arjen Robben, of Bayern Munich, Lubo Penev, a former Valencia player, Joe Molina, Deportivo La Coruna goalkeeper, Sergio Aragoneses, Tenerife goalkeeper, and German Burgos, an Atletico Madrid goalkeeper, have all been hit by cancer during their playing career.

They have all overcome the disease, and all continued playing after recovering from surgery, and this augurs well for Eric Abidal.

Yet one understands the trauma that the player, his family and his club are going through. He might not play again this season, but he is still young enough to resume his career if all goes well. This is what we all wish for.

Of great significance is the importance given to the trauma and the support that was shown to the Barcelona player by Real Madrid and their fans before their Champions League match against Olympique Lyon last Wednesday.

Barcelona are Real Madrid’s greatest rivals in Spanish football. The solidarity shown with the Barcelona player was overwhelming, and this shows that human issues manage to break barriers. It is hoped that Real Madrid’s behaviour serves as an example to many who use sport to express hatred and racism.

Abidal’s battle is the hardest he has ever had to face. It is not an opponent trying to dribble past him, or an attempt to score a goal.

It is a battle with life.

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