The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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The Memory lives on

Malta Independent Saturday, 13 August 2011, 00:00 Last update: about 14 years ago

A year ago today, the newspapers were filled with reports and comments about the death of President Emeritus Guido de Marco. On the first anniversary of his death, Malta remembers Guido the statesman, Guido the politician, Guido the lawyer, Guido the family man and Guido the friend.

A few weeks ago, when the newsroom of this newspaper was discussing ideas for stories for the Santa Marija week, which is normally a very quiet period of the year as many people are on holiday or in holiday mood, the first matter that came to mind was how at this time last year the news of Prof. de Marco’s death had shocked the nation and literally brought it to a standstill.

For a number of days following his death, especially until he was laid to rest the day after the feast of Our Lady’s Ascension, nobody talked about anything else except his death and his legacy. Everybody had a memory or an anecdote to share with friends and colleagues. Guido’s personality was so powerful that it was as if everybody knew him on a personal level.

His closest relatives are the ones who miss him the most, and we felt it was fitting to ask his only son Mario, who is parliamentary secretary for tourism and the environment, to share his thoughts with us a year after his father’s death.

His personal recollections, which this newspaper published yesterday, once again revived the memory of that eventful, sad week when Prof. de Marco was taken to hospital and later released, only to pass away at his Sliema home the day after.

Dr de Marco’s memories – some already known, others made public only yesterday – go a long way to describe the great man Guido was. The respect that was shown by his political adversaries is encapsulated in the story of that Labour supporter who cried on his grave in the presence of Dr de Marco.

Allow us just one political comment at this stage – the Nationalist Party, Prof de Marco’s political home for decades, these days is sorely missing someone who had the vision, acumen, intelligence and wisdom Guido had.

We are all unique, but some are more unique than others. And Prof. de Marco was one who left his imprint on anything he did.

We’d like to end with Dr de Marco’s own words, which sum up the sentiments of a nation that lost one of its greatest sons. “We are never alone and I hope that what he has taught us, not so much in words but more so in his actions, will live in me and my family for the rest of our lives.”

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