The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Over 2,200 Children show interest after employment of Community coaches and Development manager from UK

Malta Independent Saturday, 14 January 2012, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Malta Rugby Football Union (MRFU) has endorsed its recent success on the field of play with the employment of five Community Coaches and a Youth Development Manager from the UK.

Such a major project described as the greatest step for rugby in Malta during the past six years, was only possible through the valuable support of Gasan Mamo Insurance, the Union’s major sponsors throughout these years.

Maltese Rugby has achieved enormous success in the past 12 years to become arguably the most successful international team sport in Malta’s sporting history.

After the successes achieved by the seniors, the Union is now looking forward to strengthen its youth sector and thanks to these Community coaches, it is infiltrating in schools where, since October, it has already reached around 2,230 children.

Martin Galea, president of the MRFU, said yesterday that it was thanks to Gasan Mamo’s sponsorship that such a project could be launched. “We have been in contact with the Scottish Rugby Union and it was also thanks to the excellent relationship with them over the past two years that we were able to get these coaches here, although two of them are English coaches.

He said the Union was looking forward to its participation in more international competitions in future and they were hoping that Rugby will also be included in the Luxembourg Games for European Small Nations next year.

Damien Neill, the national coach, described this project as the biggest step forward in the development of the game in Malta since he has been here for the past six years. “There is a lot of talent among the local youngsters. There is also a lot of enthusiasm towards the game and that makes it a bright future for the sport here. I am, in fact, looking forward to see the profits of such a major project,” he added.

He went on to assure everyone that the recruitment of Maltese players from abroad will continue in the interests of the national team, but added: “Our main concern is the future. And the Development project will enable youngsters to get into the national youth squads first with the idea of building a team for participation in the European Under 18 championships next year.”

We wanted to see more children getting involved in this sport. “The results have already been fantastic. We now hope to see even more youngsters joining those already in action,” he said.

Clyde Puli, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, congratulated the MRFU as well as Gasan Mamo for the launching of this project. “It is an important launch because it provides a good opportunity for expansion among youths. It is the sort of alliance between State, Association and a private entity, in a combined effort to see more children participating in sport,” he said.

Puli promised his support to the Union, and also pledged to the Union that the pitches at the Marsa will remain at their disposal, but said the MRFU unfortunately had to move from their current premises as the project for Equestrian Sport, linked to horse-racing, has to go ahead as had been planned.

During the press conference, it was revealed that a study is ongoing over a piece of land which could accommodate the MFRU with its facilities, but no agreement has yet been reached as it seems as if there is not enough space for two pitches, apart, of course, from the huge expenses involved in the construction of a new of the club house.

Coaches’ role

The five coaches are here to develop the game among schools and clubs on the island and, in particular, the youths between the ages of seven to 19. Their role is not only restricted to youth development but also in the education of coaches, players and officials and promoting the ideals of the IRB and also discipline and respect.

The Community Coaches have a wealth of experience of playing and coaching between them, and have taken up the role with enthusiastic professionalism.

The coaches are Steven Meenagh, Lewis Naphausen, Darren Lamon and Mark Davey. The Development Manager is Jim Hunter. Recently another coach was added to the list.

Despite the short period the MRFU development team has been here in Malta (since October), they have coached some 2,230 children of all ages (boys and girls) in the schools and colleges and 728 rugby players within the four clubs.

Hunter said yesterday that so far they had visited around 29 schools. “By the end of the month or early in February, we plan to make it 45 schools. We are all highly motivated and keen to continue expanding the game locally especially because there seems to be a lot of talent among local youngsters,” he added.

Julian Mamo. Director GasanMamo, said: “GasanMamo has renewed its sponsorship agreement with the MRFU in order to support learning and growth opportunities for children. “Throughout the years that we have been supporting youth rugby in Malta we have followed closely its development and successes with much satisfaction.

“This initiative is yet another landmark that will help develop further the potential among youngsters and maintain Malta’s standing and achievements in this field.”

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