The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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FIFA reform talks on age, term limits, World Cup bids

Malta Independent Monday, 12 November 2012, 21:06 Last update: about 11 years ago

A FIFA working group began talks Monday which could result in age and term limits for world football leaders, and change how World Cup hosts are chosen.

FIFA said a 10-point proposal will now be sent to national federations by the panel of chief executives and legal directors from FIFA and its six continental confederations.

The FIFA Congress of 209 countries is scheduled to meet next May and approve ongoing reforms, which were promised by president Sepp Blatter after a series of bribery and bidding scandals rocked the governing body.

Proposals under discussion include an upper age limit of 72 for FIFA election candidates and a two-term, eight-year limit for the presidency.

FIFA's 209 member countries will likely be asked to choose future World Cup hosts instead of the FIFA executive committee, which was discredited by corruption allegations linked to the 2018 and 2022 bidding contests two years ago.

The panel is continuing work started by a statutes task force chaired by Theo Zwaniger, the former Germany federation leader who joined FIFA's ruling committee on the same June 2011 day that Blatter, now 76, won a fourth term.

Zwanziger's suggested changes include requiring all FIFA candidates to pass integrity checks before being allowed to stand for office.

Salaries and benefits for FIFA leaders could also be decided by the audit and compliance committee, which was revamped during the first phase of Blatter's reform drive.

Zwanziger wants Europe to give up two of its three FIFA vice presidencies, including one shared as a privilege by the four British federations.

British officials could also be asked to cede influence on the game's rule-making body known as IFAB.

Zwanziger has pushed for clubs, often fierce critics of Blatter, and other stakeholders to be given greater representation within FIFA.

For future World Cup hosts, Zwanziger's task force proposed that the full Congress elects the winner from a three-bid slate presented by the executive committee. The next contest, to choose the 2026 host, is unlikely to be decided before 2018.

FIFA said the consultation started Monday will continue through January, and the executive committee is scheduled to publish a suggested slate of reforms in March. The FIFA Congress will vote at a May 31 meeting in Mauritius.

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