The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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KSU donates towards University research

Malta Independent Friday, 15 February 2013, 14:07 Last update: about 12 years ago

The idea of students donating funds towards research at their University is still an unusual concept in Malta. Abroad, it is not a rare occasion for new graduates to donate part of their first earning - sometimes even a few euro or dollars - towards their University as a symbolic gesture of gratitude. 

In an effort to introduce this practice, the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) presented a donation of €1,000 to the Research Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) of the University of Malta. This money will go towards the University’s research activities.

The University Rector Professor Juanito Camilleri received the donation from KSU President Mario Cachia in the presence of a number of members of KSU.

Professor Camilleri said: “KSU’s benevolent gesture goes well beyond the actual sum being donated. It represents the students’ commitment towards their University. We thank the students for their efforts and would like to encourage everyone to help because without the financial support from public entities, private companies and individuals, we cannot sustain the investment for further research projects at the University of Malta.”

“Today, nearly all commercial organisations in Malta are benefitting from the studies and training their employees had at our University. By allocating a small amount of their income to go towards their preferred research areas, these companies will be also investing in their own future,” explained Professor Camilleri.     

Mario Cachia said: “KSU deems that the University of Malta has to further enhance its role as a centre for research and innovation. As KSU, we firmly believe that the University, as the highest academic institution in Malta, should continue to endeavour in becoming a centre of excellence and knowledge. KSU shall venture to promote the objectives of RIDT among the students it represents, and encourage them to support the Trust, even by organising activities to raise funds for specific future research.” 

The RIDT was established at the University of Malta to bolster investment in research and development on a national level. As the University expands its sphere of research projects, it is increasingly becoming more reliant on patronage and sponsorships from businesses and private individuals. 

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