The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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HSBC UK Contact Centre Malta raises funds for breast cancer awareness

Malta Independent Wednesday, 13 November 2013, 17:23 Last update: about 11 years ago

Over the summer, HSBC UK Contact Centre in Swatar raised more than €3,400 of funds towards Europa Donna Malta, the Breast Care Support Group. The sum was collected through a range of activities thought up and carried out by employees.

Activities included a popular raffle that sold over 1,000 tickets, a book sale, a ‘guess the baby’ competition, the sale of collectables, an onsite hobby day, and other all time favourites, such as a contest to guess the number of jelly babies in a jar, a ftira day, a hot dog day and a waffles day. A quiz night was also organised on the premises as another fun way to raise funds and promote awareness. 

“Our support teams invested time and effort on a completely voluntary basis in organising these events to promote awareness and bring employees together around a worthy cause,” explained HSBC UK Contact Centre Malta Linsey Jones, Site Head of UK Contact Centre Malta.   

“Offering a healthy work-life balance for employees, the Centre provides benefits and services ranging from perks as simple as weekly fruit baskets for healthy eating to onsite medical health checks and subsidised breast screening to promote and improve access to medical tests.  A subsidy on medical checks to promote men's health comes into effect in November 2013,” Linsey said. 

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