The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Josh Trank to direct stand-alone 'Star Wars' film

Malta Independent Wednesday, 18 June 2014, 16:02 Last update: about 11 years ago

Josh Trank will direct one of the planned stand-alone "Star Wars" films.

Lucasfilm announced Wednesday that the 30-year-old filmmaker will helm one of the two announced "Star Wars" spinoffs being made outside of the third trilogy. An earlier announced spinoff is to be led by "Godzilla" director Gareth Edwards.

Trank is the director of 2012's found footage-style science fiction thriller "Chronicle." He currently is working on "The Fantastic Four," the superhero team-up reboot scheduled for release next year.

Lucasfilm gave no details on the subject of the "Star Wars" movie. J.J. Abrams is in production on "Star Wars: Episode VII," which will follow "The Return of the Jedi" in chronology.

Abrams on Tuesday tweeted a photo with a note pleading for people not to leak photos from the set of "Episode VII." In recent days, dozens of photos from the set of the film have appeared online.

But his message was also tongue-in-cheek. Though Abrams alluded to "ridiculous claims that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie," his note was wryly played on the spaceship's familiar "Holochess" board. "Star Wars" fans quickly picked up on the pun.

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