The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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Actavis to sponsor 2015 LifeCycleChallenge

Friday, 14 November 2014, 15:05 Last update: about 11 years ago

"Following the success stories of recent years' LifeCycle Challenges, we arehonoured to announce that for the third consecutive year, Actavis will be sponsoring theupcomingLifeCycleevent in Iceland, commencing in July, 2015."

This announcement was made by the Vice-President of Manufacturing Operations in Western Europe at Actavis, Sergio Vella, in the presence of the Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, Chris Agius and Actavis employees, on 13th November, 2014 at the company's premises in Bulebel, during the launch of the 2015 LifeCycle Challenge.

Mr Vella explained that "although Actavis has been collaborating with the LifeCyclefoundation for around six years, we feel privileged to be celebrating our third year as the main title sponsor for the event. We are honoured to be helping the organisers through our donation of €25,000 and by offering our assistance to make next year's event highly successful, as in previous years. Our involvement in this event is an essential component of the company's corporate social responsibility programme that aims to help the Maltese community - an integral part of Actavis."

The LifeCycleChallenge,which annually sees a dedicated team of Maltese cyclists braving the elements in a long distance ride through different countries all over the world, is one of the most gruelling endurance events in Europe. Commencing in July, 2015, next year's event in Iceland will once again cover an average of 2,000km in a mere 10 days.Founded in 1999, through these Challenges, the LifeCycle Organisation aims to create awareness and generate support for patients suffering from end stage renal disease.

By putting such an extreme event together, LifeCycle intends to attract the Maltese public's attention to the plight of patients of the Renal Unit, and to encourage generous donations from the public. Throughout the past years, the Renal Unit has received millions of euros' worth of equipment and services from the previousLifecycle editions, including kidney machines, air-conditioning for the unit, a haemodialysis reverse osmosis plant, LCD screens for the patients, the services of a dietician and a van to facilitate the provision of evening dialysis services.

For further information on the LifeCycle Foundation kindly contact Vanessa MacDonald on 79444698 or visit



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