The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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World news in 1 minute: Find out what happened around the world on 20 February

Associated Press Saturday, 21 February 2015, 07:33 Last update: about 10 years ago


KIEV, Ukraine — Separatist rebels fired on Ukrainian positions nearly 50 times in the past 24 hours and Russia is sending more tanks into Ukraine despite a cease-fire that was supposed to take effect five days ago, a Ukrainian military spokesman said Friday. The report, which came a day after the Russian-backed rebels captured the key rail hub of Debaltseve, raises the question of whether weeks of high-level diplomacy aimed at producing a cease-fire and peace plan for eastern Ukraine simply allowed the rebels to redouble efforts to grab more territory. 


THE HAGUE, Netherlands — A Dutch company that makes SIM cards for cellular phones says it is investigating reports that it was hacked by Britain's electronic spying agency in cooperation with the U.S. National Security Agency. Amsterdam-based Gemalto, which describes itself as the world leader in digital security, says "had no prior knowledge that these agencies were conducting this operation." 


ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish legislators have scuffled for a second day in parliament over a new security bill which critics say aims to crush dissent. Ruling and opposition parties' lawmakers traded punches and pushed each other during a late-night session on Wednesday. One opposition legislator fell down a set of stairs during the melee but was not hurt. 


BERLIN — Two trains collided early Friday in northern Switzerland, injuring five people, police said. The collision between a commuter train and a longer-distance train happened in Rafz, north of Zurich near the German border, at 6.45 a.m. 

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