The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Vodafone slashes the cost of using Internet on your mobile on all pay monthly plans

Monday, 2 March 2015, 21:25 Last update: about 10 years ago

A Eurobarometer survey published in February revealed that over 70% of the Maltese now use the Internet every day at home and at work.

Although many still rely on a computer to do so, this is fast being overtaken by consumers who are mainly using their smartphone to access the Internet. In Malta over 61% of Internet users are now accessing mobile data through their smartphone, an increase of 32% over the previous year.

This increase in smartphone use is one of the highest in the EU. This clearly shows that the Maltese consumer is fast discovering the many benefits of using the internet on the move.

Parallel to increasing smartphone penetration, people need more and more data on their mobiles: more content, more applications and services using an Internet connection. As a result, the cost of data when using more than the monthly allowance has become an issue for an increasing number of customers.

Vodafone Malta recognises this growing trend and wants to empower its customers to use their data on their mobile without worrying about the cost, therefore Vodafone is first to  launch the new "RELAX" pricing on 1 March.

This will give Vodafone customers the most affordable rates on the market for data usage over their monthly allowance, so they can be free from the constant worry of exceeding their limit and facing an unexpectedly high bill at the end of the month.

With the only high-speed 4G network on the island, this new development underlines Vodafone's commitment to offering all its customers the opportunity of getting full benefit from mobile data in an affordable and completely worry-free way. Full details on the new RELAX pricing will be released on 1 March.



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