The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 4 April

Sunday, 5 April 2015, 07:49 Last update: about 10 years ago


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — A man who spent nearly 30 years on Alabama's death row walks free two days after prosecutors acknowledged that the only evidence they had against him couldn't prove he committed the crime. 


PORTSMOUTH, Virginia — In good condition with no signs of sunburn, dehydration or other ailments, a man reported missing at sea two months ago was rescued on the overturned hull of his sailboat off North Carolina's coast and walked away from a hospital just hours later. 


FERGUSON, Missouri — Racist emails released by the city of Ferguson indicate most were sent by a former city court clerk to two police officers, and there's no indication other city employees were involved.


PHILADELPHIA — A woman is arrested on charges she tried to join and martyr herself for the Islamic State group, a day after two women in New York were charged with plotting to wage jihad by building a bomb and using it for a Boston Marathon-type attack. 


A young Bolivian was hoisted up on a cross in the Andes, while an inmate in Mexico City played the role of Jesus. Haitian pilgrims hiked through the mountains to visit the Stations of the Cross. Faithful across the Americas re-enacted the final hours of Jesus' life on Good Friday. 


NEW YORK — Facebook and its founder must release documents and electronic correspondence to a defense lawyer whose client has fled from criminal charges that he falsely claimed a majority ownership in the social media giant, a federal judge says. 

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