The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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The shame is on you, Konrad

Stephen Calleja Thursday, 28 May 2015, 09:36 Last update: about 10 years ago

Konrad Mizzi’s behaviour in Parliament on Wednesday left much to be desired.

Maybe having to deal with such a vast ministry which includes health and energy – and failing in both – is too much of a workload for him.

His outburst against the Opposition Leader is unbecoming of a minister. In the safety of the House of Representatives, Konrad Mizzi feels he can say what he likes as all he can get is a reprimand from the Speaker which, to be fair to Anglu Farrugia, the minister got for stooping so low in his tirade against Simon Busuttil.

It is clear that Konrad Mizzi feels comfortable with the privileges afforded to him by the House rules. Yet, outside Parliament, he is afraid to speak up. A case in point is his allegations against George Pullicino, which he failed to substantiate but which he never repeated outside the House to enable Mr Pullicino to take legal proceedings against him.

That’s why the shame is on you, Konrad.

The Opposition Leader was right to say that who should be ashamed is the minister himself, whose wife has been picking up a €13,000 cheque every month from taxpayers’ money while still not having an office from where she is supposedly trying to bring investment from China.

Nearly another year has passed since the selected media who interviewed her in China described her as being tearful because of the Opposition’s accusations, but so far nothing tangible has come our way via her expensive services.

That’s why the shame is on you, Konrad.

Before the election, the Labour Party, spearheaded by Konrad Mizzi, had promised a power station within two years of taking office. It was the PL’s main promise, one which contributed heavily towards Labour’s victory in the polls.

But, the two years passed, and the power station did not materialise. Not even the foundation stone has been laid for this project. The government continues to shift the dates and give new deadlines, but the overall perception is that the power station will not be completed by June 2016.

That’s why the shame is on you, Konrad.

Again, before the election, the Labour Party’s mission was to attack the difficulties being faced at Mater Dei Hospital, with patients being kept in corridors and growing waiting lists being constant news items on Labour’s media. The impression was that Labour had a magic solution to the problem.

But, more than two years down the line, patients are now dying in the hospital corridors and the situation at Mater Dei has become worse. Attempts to shift the focus on the type of concrete used are just a way to deflect attention away from the real, human problems being faced by patients every day.

That’s why the shame is on you, Konrad.

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