The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Farsons Foundation supporting press photography

Monday, 8 June 2015, 14:58 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Farsons Foundation has pledged its renewed support for the Press Photography Award for the 14th consecutive year. The Press Photography category is one of the longest award categories of the Malta Journalism Awards. The presentation ceremony to journalists will be held on 10th July 2015 at SmartCity Malta.

The press photography award honours the efforts of photo journalists in Malta, who enhance newspaper and magazine stories each day with their excellent work and the standard of their photos is improving year after year.

"Press photography provides a touching and effective message that enhances the content of the story. Each photographer has his/her own style in capturing a particular and striking moment. The Farsons Foundation believes in this form of art and this is why we continue to support this particular category of the Malta Journalism Awards," said Mr Bryan A. Gera, Chairman of The Farsons Foundation.

"Does a press photo surprise us? Does it create any feelings in us as viewers? Does it reinforce or change our perceptions? We look for a style, a challenge, and photos with a strong voice." said Karl Wright, Chairman of the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM).

The Malta Journalism Awards consist of 16 categories covering print, broadcast and e-journalism. 

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