The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Salesman and businessman charged with misappropriation of funds

Therese Bonnici Tuesday, 16 June 2015, 13:36 Last update: about 10 years ago

A salesman and a businessman, both from Mosta, today were granted bail after both being charged with misappropriation of funds.

Jonathan Abela, 32, was charged with misappropriation of funds and stealing food products to the detriment of Anthony Azzopardi, Charles Azzopardi and Valhmor Borg Import Export Ltd. The stolen products were valued at €7,000.

George Lanzon, 52, owner of a take-out shop, was also accused of the same charges. The acts were committed between February and May 2015.

Mr Abela used to sell food products - supplied by the named suppliers - at half the price than valued to Mr Lanzon. The salesman would then keep the payment himself. In that way, the businessman would have saved money, and the salesman would have made profit, without cashing in the transaction with the suppliers.

Both men pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them.

Magistrate Francesco Depasquele granted them bail at a personal of €10,000.

The case will continue on 30 June.

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