The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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UMASA objects to lecturers being asked whether they signed Zonqor statement or not

Tuesday, 16 June 2015, 21:09 Last update: about 10 years ago

The University of Malta Academic Staff Association (UMASA) has issued a statement objecting to questions asked to lecturers by The Malta Independent as to why they did not sign a statement against the proposed university development in at Zonqor Point.

In a statement, UMASA said: "We strongly object to the fact that some academic members of staff of the University of Malta have been singled out by a local daily and asked to justify why they had not signed a petition protesting the decision-making process and location of the proposed new university at Zonqor Point.  UMASA deplores the characterisation of individual academics in this unprofessional manner.  UMASA expresses solidarity with all academics of the University of Malta and insists on their right to express themselves, or not, in full freedom and serenity."


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