The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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'We almost said it... take it or leave it' Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said on Greece

Kevin Schembri Orland from Brussels Thursday, 25 June 2015, 18:20 Last update: about 10 years ago

Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said that Eurogroup Finance Ministers almost told Greece "take it or leave it".

"We didn't say it, but that was the understanding". 

In four months they didn't come out with their own proposals, he said. "Now that time is up". Just before this, the institutions (The IMF, European Central Bank and the European Commission) said 'we're not going to see any proposals, lets present a document which was a watered down version of agreements with the previous government', and they still didn't agree."

On meetings with Greece, he said that nothing actually happens. Unlike countries like Cyprus, trust deteriorated".

A meeting of the Eurogroup Finance Ministers is scheduled Saturday, whether there is an agreement between Greece and its creditors or not. "I interpreted it as the end of the line". There could be an understanding to delay the June 30 loan repayment deadline in order to extend talks, he said.

On Sunday the Greek Parliament meets and on Monday other Eurozone Parliaments will meet, he said, emphasising the Saturday deadline.

Greece will default on a €1.7 bn loan from the IMF on Tuesday unless agreement on reforms is found, which would unlock €7.2bn in funds.

Should no agreement be found, a Greek exit from the Eurozone is a possibility.

Greece have refused expenditure cuts, which is the problem, the Minister added. 

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