The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Watch: Minister ‘unaware’ 18-year-old made director of new government company, will retain role

Jacob Borg Friday, 26 June 2015, 13:08 Last update: about 10 years ago

Economy Minister Chris Cardona said today he was unaware of the appointment of his chief of staff’s 18-year-old nephew as a director of a newly-formed government-run security company.

Dr Cardona said he only got to know about the appointment when he was asked a parliamentary question about the matter.

The new company - Fort Security Services – falls under his ministerial control.

Dr Cardona dismissed the notion that the 18-year-old Karl Cutajar was made a director on the basis that he is the chief of staff’s nephew.hol

Mr Cutajar holds one ordinary share in the new company.

Mr Cutajar is not paid for the role, and was appointed by the government investment company Mimcol, Dr Cardona said. 

Sources said that Mr Cutajar is Mimcol’s de facto Chief Executive Office, but Dr Cardona denied this, saying that he is an executive clerk.

Dr Cardona said Mr Cutajar was hired by Mimcol in 2014 – when he was 17-years-old, through a competitive call for applications.

Mimcol's website says that the government entity is made up of "highly qualified professionals, most of whom have a private sector background."

The Minister said that Mr Cutajar is paid the “normal” rate for such a role. 

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