The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Blatant disregard

Sunday, 23 August 2015, 09:40 Last update: about 10 years ago

I would like to draw your readers’ attention to the shockingly inconsiderate decision to turn a blue-badge parking spot into a public convenience. The photos show the corner of Triq il-Knisja and Triq Tommaso Dingli in Attard on 16 August. All the other parking bays in the area (including one for the Lotto Receiver) were left free and unencumbered for cars to park in.

This is the only blue-badge parking place and it is incredible that the decision to deposit the mobile toilets on it was approved – or totally overlooked – by the authorities concerned. How is it possible that no one noticed this when it occurred in such a prominent location?

Furthermore, despite the blue-badge parking bay being adjacent to Attard church, the obstructions on the pavement make it virtually impossible for someone in a wheelchair to negotiate their way in the direction of the church because of a large pole and another structure blocking the way. There is little one can do about being disabled but there is plenty one can do about showing consideration for others. Inclusion indeed!


Anna Sultana

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