The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Staff suggestions pave the way at Banif Bank

Monday, 31 August 2015, 11:06 Last update: about 10 years ago

Banif Bank’s staff suggestion scheme All Ideas Matter (AIM) culminated in an awards ceremony during the Bank’s annual summer staff party. AIM is a platform through which team members can submit their ideas towards the improvement of different key areas of the Bank’s operations.

An encouraging number of entries were put forward, addressing improvements in quality of service, efficiency of processes, cost reduction, increase in revenue, better use of resources and employee wellbeing. Every quarter, the best suggestion is chosen and the employee is invited to present their idea to members of the Bank’s Executive Committee, whilst the Best Suggestion and Best Contributor were given awards.

“The benefits of this scheme are two-fold,” said Simon Grech, Head of Corporate Services at Banif Bank. “Our employees get that extra motivation and sense of satisfaction at seeing their viable ideas implemented, whilst the Bank benefits from the insight that can only be obtained from the people who are actually doing the job day in day out.”

He added that “participation and feedback have been extremely positive, so we’re very pleased with this initiative and with the results it is reaping. A lot of suggestions have resulted in improvements behind the scenes which are in turn, passed on to our customers through more efficient processes and improved quality of service. Our ethos has always been that ‘simple ideas can make a big difference’ – and indeed it was the case that clever suggestions came in different forms and from every level within the organisation. We look forward to another year of innovation and effectiveness.”


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