The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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CHOGM? Yippee... another holiday

Stephen Calleja Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 07:51 Last update: about 10 years ago

I just wonder how many school days would be deducted in Brussels if the Belgian government decided to close schools each time something important is happening there. With all the summits, conferences and councils taking place, it is probable that Belgian students would attend school an average of once a week.

I am being cheeky, I know. But I find it absurd that schools will be shut down simply because the Queen is coming over next  month.

There will be no school on 27 November, on the day the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting will start. The University will be kept closed too. And now we’ve also heard that the book festival will be cut short to make way for the Euro-African immigration summit, which will also be held next month. All this in the interests of national security, we’re told.

But the real reason is another one.

It’s to keep cars off the road. The government knows that it cannot manage the traffic system, and so it is taking the easy way out. By keeping 10,000 University students, most of whom have cars, off the road on 27 November, it will ease the traffic flow. And by closing schools it is also keeping thousands of other cars belonging to mummies and daddies off the road too unless, of course, the mummies and daddies have to go to work. But then, who will take care of the kids at home if there is no school? Ahh... so there is also an intention to keep mummies and daddies at home too.


While we’re at it, why doesn’t the government give a holiday to every one of us? Why doesn’t it order shops to remain closed too? Why doesn’t it simply order us to stay at home, only allowing wardens and policemen to man our roads and book all those who dare step out of their home?

It’s ridiculous that we have arrived at a situation that to manage traffic better we have to be on holiday. It shows a government that simply has no idea how to handle the situation. It shows a government that has simply given up trying.

And so for the best Cabinet in history the only way out is to shut down everything and everywhere. A communist solution, that is.

By the way, the artist behind the migration summit monument that will be set up in Castille Square deserves a big pat on the back.

Although in the design I fail to see the symbolism of unity between the two continents, the artist got it right:  we are really in a tight knot.

I just hope that schools will not be closed down for a whole year when Valletta reigns supreme as the European capital city of culture in 2018.

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