The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 18 February

Associated Press Friday, 19 February 2016, 07:50 Last update: about 9 years ago


HAVANA — Cubans hail President Barack Obama's announcement he will make a two-day trip to the communist-run island, saying that just like the American leader, they want the historic visit to spur faster change in their lives. 


LAS VEGAS — Fighting for a victory just days before Nevada's caucuses, Hillary Clinton took one of her toughest shots at rival Bernie Sanders, questioning the long-time independent's devotion to the Democratic Party he's running to lead. 


CHAPIN, South Carolina — Donald Trump responds forcefully to comments from Pope Francis that anyone who wants to build a border wall isn't a Christian, saying a religious leader questioning a person's faith is "disgraceful." 


LA PAZ, Bolivia — President Evo Morales had seemed exempt from the troubles afflicting many South American leftists, but an alleged influence-peddling affair involving a woman half his age comes just as Bolivians prepare to vote Sunday on whether he can run for a fourth term. 


NEW YORK — Scientists suspect an outbreak of the Zika virus is behind a surge in a rare birth defect in Brazil. But how are they going to prove it? 


BOGOTA, Colombia — Colombia suspends permits for rebel leaders negotiating a peace deal in Cuba to visit guerrilla camps after top commanders show up with weapons at a town's main plaza in what the government calls a flagrant violation of the ground rules for such missions. 


CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced long-awaited economic reforms, but analysts say they'll barely have any effect in rescuing the economy. 

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