The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Il-Mixja 2016: Star-studded cast in a passion play for charity

Thursday, 3 March 2016, 11:50 Last update: about 9 years ago

Some of Malta’s top actors re-enact the Passion of Christ in aid of Mount Carmel clients and to raise awareness on mental health

For the fourth year in a row, some of Malta's most established actors will be getting together to form a formidable cast in aid of persons suffering from mental health at Mount Carmel Hospital. Vermiglio Theatre Productions will be taking the Passion of Christ to the fields surrounding the hospital making it an interactive and unique experience for all those who decide to attend. The fields surrounding the hospital will be replacing the streets of Jerusalem on that historical night and the audience will become part of the drama.

The audience will be guided through the main stages of the passion of Jesus, leading to the crucifixion. A number of natural spots will serve as backdrops to the scenes and monologues which bring the events to the audience in a realistic and personal manner. The play presents the passion of Jesus Christ in such a way as to make the audience feel and experience the happenings on that day in Jerusalem. "The way we are presenting the play is intended to make those who attend feel as if they were part of the crowd witnessing the last two days in the life of Jesus prior to his resurrection. It is for this reason that we have not made any use of amplification throughout the walk", commented director Alan Fenech who is also playing Jesus.

The cast includes a number of established actors whose faces are familiar to those who love following local theatre and television productions. In the main roles one can find actors of the likes of Mario Micallef as the narrator, Ronnie Galea as Simon Peter Triccas as Jacob, Joe Pace as Pontius Pilate, Michael Tabone as Joseph from Arimatea, Gabriella Parsons as Mary Magdalene, Moira Muscat as the Blessed Virgin, Manuel Cassar as Nahum, Renato Dimech as James, Andy Catania as Judas Iscariot, Marco Grech as Natahniel, Neville Refalo as John, Ivan Debattista and Roderick Castillo as Simon of Cirene, Andre' Penza as Lazzarus, Aaron Fenech as Nicodemus,  Simone Debattista and Lydia Portelli as Leah, Tony Fenech as Caiaphas, Silvio Axisa as Annas, Chanelle Bonaci as Esther, Chris Degiorgio as Ezer, Lisa Farrugia as Mary of Betany, Matthew Balzan as Barabbas, Elysia Farrugia as Yemina, Jane Zammit as Tamar, Marisa Aquilina as Marta, Jeremy Grech as Efrem, Matthew Gatt as Longinus and the young and popular child star Geordie Schembri (from Ċaqqufa) as Adah. Rayfonz Borg is co-producing whilst Redeemer Casha and Zep Camilleri are stage manager and logistics manager respectively. "Having such a cast of actors is a guarantee of a very high quality production. The audience will have the chance to see the artists they admire perform very close to them and this adds to the atmosphere which is already very unique due to the costumes and the setting", added Fenech.

The play will be held on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of March 2016 at 7:30pm. Entrance is €5 (children under 12 years of age enter for free) with all proceeds going towards the projects undertaken by Mount Carmel Hospital in aid of its clients. In order to ensure a better experience for each member of the audience tickets are limited and prior booking is highly recommended.

For more information or to reserve your place in the audience call on 79085892 or send an email on [email protected] or a Facebook message on the official page Il-Mixja 2016. One may also choose to book online from the official website

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