The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Watch: Konrad Mizzi refuses to say why he tried to open bank account in Dubai

Neil Camilleri Monday, 4 April 2016, 18:19 Last update: about 9 years ago

In comments given to the media before he entered Parliament building on Monday, Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi refused to say why he tried to open a bank account in Dubai.

"Yesterday’s leaks essentially confirm my version of events that there are no bank accounts and no funds," he told journalists, a day after his name was published in a long list of politicians from around the world that are included in a massive leak of documents that exposes the offshore holdings of, among others, 12 current and former world leaders.

Pressed to say why he had tried to set up a bank account in Dubai – a fact that has only emerged in the so-called Panama Papers – Dr Mizzi insisted that there was no wrongdoing and that he had acted in a transparent manner. “My version of events is entirely correct. I have been honest throughout. The company and the trust had clear objectives. The trust is available publicly and there are absolutely no funds.”

The Panama Papers leaks also showed that Mr Mizzi had tried to set up the Panama company as a Consultancy Management and Brokerage firm. Asked since when he was into consultancy work, he insisted he had been faithful and correct throughout.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat did not give comments to the press but told journalists to listen to what he had to say in Parliament. 

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