The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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PL believes apples are oranges

Stephen Calleja Wednesday, 11 May 2016, 10:27 Last update: about 9 years ago

Only the dumb believe that what Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri did is identical to what many professionals do in their capacity as lawyers, consultants, financial advisers and accountants.

But, of course, there are so many people in Malta who are always ready to accept all that Labour and its trolls throw at them.

There is a chasm between the actions of someone who secretly opens up a company while occupying a top post in a government set-up and someone whose services are sought in his professional capacity. But Labour’s spin is that it is one and the same thing.

They could not be more wrong.

It has been said over and over again that no illegalities were committed, and that it was all a question of political correctness. It is not politically correct to open up an offshore company in a secretive jurisdiction while holding office.

But some people cannot understand what political correctness is.

Just as much as they cannot understand that political appointees paid out of people’s taxes should not be using their time to attack the opposition on the social media.

Just as much as they cannot understand that partisan media journalists should not use fake profiles to flood blogs of rival news portals with hate posts.

Just as much as they cannot understand that a minister’s partner should not be harassing the Opposition Leader.

I could go on.

Labour wants us to believe that what Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi did is on the same lines as what Ann Fenech and Francis Zammit Dimech do when, of course, anyone with some brains can immediately realise the distinction between opening up a company and offering professional services.

Labour is deliberately mixing things up to confuse matters and lead the gullible to think that everyone is in the same basket.

Labour wants us to think that apples and oranges are the same kind of fruit and have the same taste.

And, believe me, many Labour supporters would say so if Labour and its trolls tell them that they do.

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