The Malta Independent 22 January 2025, Wednesday
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OASI Foundation assist 205 persons battling drug addiction in 2016 alone

Wednesday, 22 March 2017, 17:42 Last update: about 9 years ago

The Treatment and Rehabilitation Unity of the OASI Foundation, during 2016, catered for 205 persons with an addiction problem. Of these clients, 64 benefitted from a residential program and collectively made use of 2,568 bed nights. 95% of the residents making use of the OASI services are residents from Malta, while the rest come from Gozo. The OASI Residential Addiction Treatment Programme is a very intensive one based on the 12 Steps of AA, tailored for local needs on the Minnesota Model. This treatment method comprises an intensive residential therapy period of 8 weeks to 12 weeks, according to the individual’s requirement, followed by a tapering aftercare support on outpatient basis.

Besides residential treatment, OASI offers also the same 12 Steps therapeutic programme to clients on outpatients basis, through which persons who, for various reasons may not be able to attend a residential programme, like residents from Gozo who have a good family support, mothers with young children or pregnant women. During 2016, 141 clients benefitted from this outpatient services which included session related to Outreach, Motivation, Continued Care and Aftercare.

This information was reported during the Annual General Meeting of the OASI Foundation, held last Sunday 19th March. For OASI this was the 2nd Annual General Meeting after that it had registered a new statute for the organisation that will assist it to manage its mission better in the present and future social conditions.

Besides the treatment given to addicted clients, the programme offer also individual and family group sessions on a weekly basis to family members and other persons significant to the clients in treatment. The latter service has the objective of helping people related to the clients in treatment to improve their understanding of addiction, to release their tension and frustrations and thus expectantly prepare them to provide a better quality of support to their loved ones once they leave treatment and start their social re-integration towards continued recovery.

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