The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Four years: Eye-opener

Sunday, 2 April 2017, 09:09 Last update: about 8 years ago

I am writing this article on a fine Sunday morning, in the midst of a massive government campaign highlighting the ‘achievements’ of the first four years of this administration. A glitzy campaign, funded by taxpayers, which says that the sun had risen for the first time in this country in March 2013. Ironically, one of the Sunday newspapers leads with a survey on the same morning which shows that concern on corruption has reached an all-time high.


Having corruption so high on the national agenda is thanks to an Opposition which has relentlessly, and effectively, brought to the fore a number of scandals involving various influential figures of this administration. To name them all is a tall order.

However, what I consider as truly remarkable is that the Opposition was not there just to point fingers and criticise. These past four years were also marked by a number of policy documents full of feasible proposals and promises which will start to be rolled out on day one of a new PN-led administration. They are not the fruit of anyone’s dream, but the result of thorough consultations, and public meetings in certain areas.

The environment, sustainable development, small businesses, Gozo, clean politics and the economy were all part of comprehensive policy documents. In them, the Party has laid out a number of core principles which will be the basis of future direction for the country.

The list is not final. The Opposition leader has announced that party financing proposals are also being drawn up, as well as those concerning young people. This is a remarkable pro-active approach which shows that the Opposition is raring to go to start implementing its own alternative programme for the benefit of all.

This country is at a crossroads.  In Joseph Muscat’s own words, rather than looking at the first four years, this country might soon be looking at another five or six years of this Labour administration if, in the next general election, the country chooses to continue on the course it took in 2013. These past four years have shown a determined Opposition which is truly giving a voice to people’s real concerns. It has not only opposed, as the name implies, but it has repeatedly proposed tangible measures and policies which make it a viable alternative government. 

The ‘first four years’ campaign is an alarm bell that decision time is fast approaching. At most, we are not more than 12 months away from an election. The prospect of a serious administration which bases its programme on the promise of clean politics depends on our vote. The ‘first four years’ have been an eye-opener.

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