The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Archiving Futures

Monday, 24 April 2017, 14:44 Last update: about 8 years ago

This coming May, a most unusual archive will be opened for two months at the new Studio Solipsis in Rabat (Malta).

The archive called Archived Futures Harvest presents a miscellanea of documents and objects that have supposedly originated from the near or far future; it is part exhibition, entertaining and playful, and part laboratory.

Visitors of all ages will be invited to rummage through files and boxes of materials full of traces of future life. The exhibition is very much like a three dimensional novel with a non-linear narrative. One can pick up a personal document of an imaginary character here and a piece of material there and view them together on the same study table constructing and piecing together new narratives in the process.

The minute they enter the archive visitors become researchers, investigators, writers, artists.

All the exhibits are the outcome of a six-month process called Presents of the Future. The programme was led by the Austrian organisation Time's Up within the framework of the cultural programme for the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union with the support of Arts Council Malta and the Valletta 2018 Foundation.

The exhibition, which is being held at Studio Solipsis, is at once playful and philosophically engaging and is guaranteed to give visitors of all ages more than a few head-scratching moments.

Entrance is free of charge and the exhibition is open throughout May and June.


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To book a group visit contact [email protected]

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