The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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‘The Star of Strait Street’ continues to twinkle

Tuesday, 16 May 2017, 14:22 Last update: about 8 years ago

The show had its world premiere at The Splendid in Strait Street, Valletta, in April and by popular demand and following critical acclaim, the show will be performed in collaboration with the MADC at The Playhouse in Sta Venera on Friday, 26 May at 7 and 9pm.

Polly March and Larissa Bonaci star with Geoff Thomas in this original musical play by Philip Glassborow which tells the true story of the romance between Adrian Warburton - daredevil photo-reconnaissance flier and maverick known as "the most valuable pilot in the RAF" and Christina Ratcliffe - singer and dancer at The Morning Star in Valletta... indisputably, the Star of Strait Street.

Glassborow's script is based on extracts from Christina Ratcliffe's own writings and the new book Malta's Greater Siege and Adrian Warburton DSO* DFC** DFC (USA) by Paul McDonald OBE with special acknowledgements to Steve Trotter.

26 May, the date of the MADC performances, is particularly poignant as it also happens to fall on the 74th anniversary of the day Christina was awarded the British Empire Medal in recognition of her "meritorious service and devotion to duty during the period of the heavy air bombardment of Malta".

Star of Strait Street was described by The Times of Malta critic Andre Delicata as "a highly enjoyable show which traces the human elements of Malta's wartime past, while showcasing quality talent and a story which is both intriguing and endearing. Definitely one to watch".

The producers gratefully acknowledge the kind assistance of Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna, Arts Council Malta and The Malta Film Commission; the ground-breaking work of Frederick R. Galea, author of 'Women of Malta and Carve Malta on My Heart'.

The production is sponsored by The Phoenicia Malta and The Mackintosh Foundation.

Bookings can be made either online on, by telephone on 7777 6232 or email: [email protected]


Photo credits: Justin Mamo

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