In the last election you were barely elected. How did the last four years in Parliament improve your chances of getting a better result?
Being elected for the third consecutive time, the last four years strengthened my commitment to serve the whole country including my own district. I believe this experience has added more credibility in my performance and consequently further trust among the electorate.
How did your ministerial work affect your work with the core voters?
My ministerial work and my regular participation in parliamentary business kept me in close contact with my core voters, and with a vaster cohort around both islands. Undoubtedly my remit helped me focus further on the elderly and disability sectors, through which I have reached out to their hearts and respective families. Gozo's needs and expectations have and will always be a central goal in all my work as the Gozitans' own representative and through my endeavours Gozo and Gozitans can now for the very first time benefit from a myriad of projects and services.
Don’t you think that Prime Minster Muscat should have told Minister Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri to step down a year ago?
I have full trust in Prime Minister Muscat's abilities to politically and strategically manage what is best for our country. His decisions have resulted in the implementation a good 90% of Labour's manifesto that has in fact created, for the first time in many years, a successful prosperity with a purpose.
Don’t you think that a snap election was called because the Government is riddled with allegations of corruption?
The Prime Minister himself has stated that he would not let the country lose its momentum of economic growth and social wellbeing due to the irresponsible escalation by the Opposition who had never stopped it's strategies of mud-slinging and attempts to destabilise all national institutions.
Do you think that the PM should give you the Gozo Ministry if you are elected and the PL wins?
It is always the Prime Minister's prerogative to appoint his ministers and assign their respective portfolio. Putting myself at disposal to serve the nation and particularly Gozo will always be my foremost aim in politics.
You have a family which is based in Gozo, yet in the past 3 years you served as a Parliamentary Secretary and was based in Malta. How did you cope, being a mother?
I admit that having my own family in Gozo has been a challenge, considering that I had a national portfolio which was quite substantial. Being a mother required that I juggle around to strike a balance between family and public life, also with the support of my extended family. However, all throughout it was imperative for me to be there whenever my children needed me. The situation also helped me understand better family concerns within my remit and come up with the first-ever solutions and services in the social solidarity aspects of the Gozitan community.