Archbishop Charles Scicluna took aim at a lack of accountability and transparency when speaking about the brutal murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Scicluna was speaking on RTK radio this morning, where he “categorically condemn[ed] the murder of [Caruana Galizia], irrespective of who agreed with her”.
“God forbid this is our response to such a murder of somebody we do not agree with".
He slammed politicians who do not give out information in Parliament for one reason or another, and even referenced heavily redacted published contracts on agreements entered into by the state, calling this “embarrassing”.
“At least set up a private committee where the truth is known. But we cannot have a state without accountability and transparency. Many laws exist about this but we need to show this with facts.
“I pray for the family and I salute, as well as pray for, all the journalists in Malta. The people need journalists to remain free. Journalists are there in our name to investigate the use of power, to investigate how our money is spent and to ensure Malta is progressing as it should. Journalists must carry out investigations without any loyalty to one particular party, it should be for the common good and for the constitution of Malta.”
Scicluna had particularly harsh words for the 10,000 strong students who attend University of Malta due to a demonstration protesting the attack that took place earlier in the week only attracting some 100 students.
He said he was “surprised” by this, questioning if the University had become a “glorified training ground”. He said that his time there was very difference, and lamented on whether the next generations who attend only do so “to get that piece of paper which looks good on their CV”.
Scicluna expressed concern at this generation of students being raised without any “ethical, social and political sensibilities”.