The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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INDEPTH: The books I listen to help me fire up my imagination – Samuel Farrugia

INDEPTH online Friday, 29 December 2017, 11:12 Last update: about 7 years ago

Samuel Farrugia, a 12-year-old boy who cannot see and who has moved and inspired many people who met him, has written his first book. Samuel, who likes dinosaurs, wrote a magical story called Samuel and the Magic Tooth.

Interviewed on Indepth by The Malta Independent editor-in-chief Rachel Attard, Samuel said that his love of books helps him fire up his imagination. "When I am listening to my audio books, I manage to create a picture in my head of what an object looks like."

Samuel, who has many aspirations and projects in mind, says: "One of the reasons I decided to write this book is because it was a promise I made to President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca."

The President gave Samuel a wonderful Christmas gift this year because after he had sent her a draft copy of the book, she decided to publish it for him. Samuel was given the surprise on Xarabank.

Asked why he had decided to call the character in the book Samuel, he replied with a half-smile: "Because while I am writing it will help me get more involved in the story and as a result my imagination will flow."

Samuel told us that because he is a perfectionist, it took him two years to write the book. Samuel now intends to write and publish a second book next year. "My dream is that this book and the ones that follow will end up as audio books so that children who cannot see can still enjoy them."

Samuel, who was one of the main protagonists in this and last year's L-Istrina, lost his eyesight due to cancer. His book can be bought from various outlets around Malta and Gozo and all proceeds will go to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

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