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Embryos are human, letter signed by local scientists reads

Wednesday, 25 April 2018, 17:43 Last update: about 8 years ago

A number of geneticists, molecular biologists and cell biologists have signed a statement which reads that a new human life begins at fertilisation.

Currently, Malta is discussing amendments to the Embryo Protection Act.

The statement read:

With reference to the ongoing discussions relating to the modifications of the Embryo Protection Act, including comments that an early embryo may not be human, we the undersigned,  as geneticists, molecular biologists           and cell biologists, state      that:


1. At fertilisation, a new human life, genetically distinct from the sperm and the ovum, and thus from the mother and father, is initiated.

2. All of us humans presently alive, started life as this early embryo.

3. Scientifically the development from zygote to embryo, to foetus, baby, child and adult is a continuum and it is the same human from the time of fertilisation till the day s/he dies. These are just different linguistical terms used to refer to different stages of life.

4. Whilst a good number of such embryos may die, naturally or through manipulation, in nature or through Assisted Reproductive Technologies, this does not make them any less human.

The letter was signed by: Alex Felice, Rena Balzan, Christian Scerri, Isabella Borg, Pierre Schembri-Wismayer, Jean Calleja Agius, Therese Hunter, Anthony Fenech, Stephanie Bezzina Wettinger, Rosienne Farrugia, Joseph Borg, Nikolai Pace, Robert Formosa, Marisa Cassar, Analisse Cassar, Claire Bartolo , Shawn Baldacchino, Gianluca Farrugia, Jeanesse Scerri, Svetlana Schembri-Wismayer, Janessa Grech, Mark Farrugia and Gilbert Mercieca
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