The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Express Road Safety Campaign: An initiative towards education for safer roads

Friday, 27 April 2018, 17:06 Last update: about 7 years ago

Transport Minister Ian Borg today launched the Express Road Safety Campaign, which is being led by Express Trailers, aimed at promoting more responsible road sharing.

Addressing the launch of the campaign, the Chairman and CEO of Express Trailers, Franco Azzopardi said “Although we deploy a large fleet of trucks, trailers and vans to deliver most of our essential day-to-day commodities, we acknowledge that we are also a nuisance on the road. Therefore, we decided that we wanted to take an active role in the community and we felt that promoting road safety would be most in line with our operations as active road users.”

“We enjoy a very positive track record and widespread respect as responsible road users and we are delighted to have found the support of Transport Malta and notably, the Malta Road Safety Council, with whom we are embarking on this campaign.”

The company’s belief is that road safety should be a top priority for everyone, especially drivers who are being called to drive responsibly and protect more vulnerable road users. He said that on the road, everyone is borrowing space and everyone has an acquired right to use roads, adding that every road user is responsible for the safety of others.

Minister Borg reiterated his belief in continuous education towards safer roads and described the campaign as a versatile one which reaches different sectors of society. The Minister explained that a company such as this, which operates in a sector directly related to transport, has a greater potential of reaching audiences within the same industry, and commended the incentive they are proposing to encourage similar companies to come up with their own initiatives towards road safety.

The Minister spoke about the significance of the graphic symbolising the campaign: a heart held within hands which symbolise the road. He linked this to the unfortunate fatal accidents we hear about so often; accidents which have led hearts like the one in the picture to stop beating. “We talk, discuss and try to reason things out every time an accident happens, but this is not enough – we need to act, and that is what we are doing and what we will continue doing throughout our work”, he said, explaining the work being done by the Ministry towards this aim, such as designing safer roads and including safety facilities such as improved crash barriers which better protect motorbike riders.

He also spoke about the strengthened Transport Malta enforcement team, which he met earlier this week and which now consists of 166 members, stating that the Ministry continues to invest in better training and equipment for the unit.

More information about the campaign can be found

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