The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Podium for Schembri in Italy, Zammit and Agius win the Autocross in Malta

ASMK Malta Tuesday, 11 June 2019, 19:35 Last update: about 6 years ago

On Sunday 16 June 2019 Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi is to continue with more Motorsport events. Next on line is the Wotomoto National Enduro Championship for 2018-2019 which also haaens to be the last event of the season. This activity is going to be held at the quarry of Fawwara limits of Siggiewi and starts at 10:00am.

Meanwhile last Sunday 9th June the Association continued with the 10th National Autocross event of the ASMK - Pasta Poiatti 2018/2019 National Championship where 15 competitors split into the Autocross Standard and Modified classes.

The heat wave that hit the country on the day was not easy for the driver's stamina and for the cars engines as well bur due to all these challenges the drives demonstrated high driving skills. During the day we saw Melo Zammit on his Opel Corsa who managed to win two heats from the three thus he secured his place in the Class A Final race. Also qualified were Terence Azzopardi on his Opel Corsa, the Ford Fiesta of Ryan Scicluna, Christian Mark Galea on his Fiat Punto, Jean Paul Grech and Karl Micallef on Opel Corsa cars.

From the start of this final race we saw the six finalists' race to the 1st corner with Azzopardi taking the helm of the final followed by Galea and Zammit. Before the end of the first lap we saw Azzopardi and Galea taking the Joker Lap and Zammit ended taking the race lead and be followed by Scicluna and Grech. In the third Lap we saw Zammit taking the Joker Lap but with the advantage he had already built he still held the race lead. Thus, the Final Result is: - Zammit registering another victory in this season and was followed by Azzopardi and Scicluna. Fourth place finisher is Micallef while Grech and Galea finished in fifth and sixth places respectively.

The Class B final line-up were Theo Micallef on his Ford Fiesta, the Opel Corsa of Joseph Micallef, Andrew Pisani on his Vauxhall Nova, Joseph Spiteri on an Opel Corsa and the Peugeot 205 of Brandon Lee Vassallo. On the start we saw a good launch by Theo and Joseph Micallef with Theo taking the lead followed by Joseph Micallef. All drivers remained in this position to the Finish.  During the race Theo and Joseph took the Joker Lap when Pisani finished leader of the race. The race went on with Pisani adding the lead on his followers when in the fifth Lap Pisani was next to take the Joker Lap and still managed to hold his race lead but in the last lap Joseph Micallef managed to overcome Pisani while performing a clean pass. The final ended with Joseph Micallef to win this final followed by Pisani and Theo Micallef. Spiteri is placed in 4th place and Theo will lose 3 points as he hit a track marker. Vassallo finished in fifth place.

The Standard Class winner was Kyle Agius on his Opel Nova who continued to dominate this class despite some technical problems he had earlier during the day but he managed to overcoming the problems and also won the final of the day. Jerome Peplow on his Kia Avella and Johann Vella on his Opel Nova won second and third places.

The next Autocross event is expected to be held on Saturday 22 June 2019 and starting at 6.00pm. This will be the first 'Night Event' of the season.

Meanwhile ASMK which is the Motorcycle Federation affiliated to International FIM so far has a small number of riders who are licensed to race in various circuit racing abroad. This time it was the turn to Silio Schembri on a BMW RR1000 motorcycle who took part in the second round of the Trofeo Centro Velocita Italia. This was possible after intensive training which was necessary to be done off-shore because in Malta we do not have a circuit where riders like Schembri can train for international and European championship events abroad. During his racing qualification in Italy Schembri had to be faced with no less than 12 other professional competitors but though they were very challenging for Schembri he managed to perform well in the race for the Pole and managed to start the official race in fourth place on the Start Grid. During the race which was lasted 10 laps of 4 kilometers each Schembri made his best to hold his placing but he manage to take the Podium too as he finished the race with the top three riders. Silio Schembri won third place on his first race of this season. Schembri expected to participate again next July on the circuit of Perugia and in October at Valle Lunga in Italia.

More information can found on the website of the Association: - or Facebook pages named: A.S.M.K. Malta or Assoċjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi. One can make contact by email: [email protected] and Mobile 9942 5489.

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