Chris Cardona will not be resigning from his post as PL Deputy Leader, he told The Malta Independent.
Prime Minister Robert Abela today reiterated a statement he had made on Monday. He again said that Cardona is a person who has the party's interests at heart adding: "I am convinced that with the decisions he needs to take in the coming days he will keep the party's interests at the forefront, and will do what is needed to keep the PL's name in good standing as it is today."
Cardona's name also cropped up in the compilation of evidence against Yorgen Fenech, who stands charged with masterminding the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, as proceedings got underway again, with a number of allegations - including that he had facilitated a payment to the killers through one of his canvassers - being levelled against him.
Cardona denied all the allegations, arguing that they were based on hearsay and not on evidence and that the allegations are part of a frame-up. Abela, however, has faced questions as to what he intends to do with Cardona.
This newsroom asked Cardona whether he will be stepping down as PL Deputy Leader, to which he replied, no.
Asked whether, given that his name keeps popping up during the court cases, he feels that remaining on could lead to further damaging the reputation of the PL, he said: "I really don't feel comfortable to comment on names popping....I am sure many names will pop sooner or later. So my advice on those hinting on name popping is better wait."
On Monday 8th June, Prime Minister Abela had had responded to a question about Cardona in a similair way to Sunday, saying that he has "no doubt" that Chris Cardona will take the necessary decisions so as not to harm the Labour Party.
The Malta Independent had also spoken to Cardona, who recently resigned as an MP, on Tuesday after the PM's remark. Cardona was on that day asked by The Malta Independent how he had interpreted the Prime Minister's words, and whether he will be suspending himself from the Labour Party's leadership. Cardona said that what he has discussed privately with Abela "remains confidential".
"However, I agree with the Prime Minister's assertion and I would never let the PL be harmed by any plot or attempt to harm or frame up any of its members, and of course I would never tolerate anyone who attempts to harm the party", he said.