The Malta Independent 6 October 2024, Sunday
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Parliament approves law allowing people in quarantine to vote in general election

Wednesday, 19 January 2022, 20:58 Last update: about 4 years ago

Parliament has approved amendments to the General Elections Act, which will allow voters who are in mandatory quarantine to vote in the general election.

The amendments do not specifically mention how these individuals will be voting, although the possibility of having drive-through polling stations had been mentioned.

The law now specifies that it is up to the Superintendent of Public Health to declare that any notifiable disease “requires the introduction of other ad hoc voting arrangements for voters suffering from the same and, or who are in mandatory quarantine as a result of such notifiable disease(s).”

Currently, there are 72 infectious diseases that require notification to the public health authorities.

Voting will take place in areas specifically designated for the purpose.

The list of people who would require such arrangements would need to be compiled by no later than 9pm on the eve of the election.

People who receive quarantine orders beyond this timeframe will not be allowed to vote.

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