The Malta Independent 12 May 2024, Sunday
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Getting to know Manuel Cutajar

Stephen Calleja Sunday, 5 June 2022, 10:30 Last update: about 3 years ago

 Actor Manuel Cutajar, part of the cast of Ic-Caqqufa which will be returning to the screens later this year, tells us that he wanted to be a pilot when he was young.

But his love for acting took over, and you can see that even in the choice he made about the four people he would like to have dinner with.



What was the last book you read?

A Life in Parts, by Brian Cranston.

Who is your favourite author?

This is a question I cannot answer because I like a lot of authors for a lot of different reasons. I think it is more a question of which book I would choose to read over all others. For me, there is no answer to this question either as it depends on the very reason why I am reading a book at that very moment in time.

What was the last film you watched?

The Departed – Martin Scorcese

Which film have you seen multiple times and enjoyed every time you saw it?

La Giovinezza (Youth) by Paolo Sorrentino and The Godfather by Martin Scorsese.

Who is your favourite actor/actress?

Too many to mention but Hemky Madera, Alice Braga, Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Sylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel, James Gandolfini, Margot Robbie and Eva Green to name a few.

What is your favourite TV series?

The Sopranos & Breaking Bad

What is your favourite game or sport to watch and play?


Which team do you support?


Which song would you sing at a karaoke night?

My Way by Frank Sinatra

Who is your favourite singer/band?

If I really had to choose it would be Elvis Presley and Queen.

Which show/event would you like to attend/have attended?

The Oscars like to attend.

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Cigarettes, e-cigarettes and more cigarettes

Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?


What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?


What is that one thing you could not go a day without?

Cigarettes unfortunately

Which fictional character do you relate to most?

Rocky Balboa

Do you check your horoscope?


What age would you choose if you could be one age forever?


What invention would you erase from history?


Would you like to know the day when you will die?



What's your favourite animal?


What's your favourite type of foreign food?


What is your favourite hobby?


What's your favourite season?


What's your favourite ice cream topping?

Salted Caramel

What's your favourite board game?


What is your favourite pizza?

Pizza al Pepperoni

What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite pasta dish?

Spaghetti alle Vongole

What is your favourite cartoon show?

Lupin III


What did you like to do most during the summer holidays?

Playing hide and seek, soccer and basketball with my friends.

What career did you see yourself in when you were young?


What is your best childhood memory?

BBQs with family and friends in Lapsi, Siggiewi

Did you learn how to ride a bike?


Who was your super hero?


Which toy do you wish to have kept?

Retro handheld video games

What subject did you excel in at school?

Social Studies

What subject did you dislike the most in school?


Was there some family tradition that was never missed?

Bingo Sundays at my grandmother’s house.

What are the best values you owe to your parents?

Kindness, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What would you change about yourself if you could?

Nothing, I am happy with the person I am today.

What really makes you angry?


Is your glass half full or half empty?

Hall full

Are you a sore loser?


What is your biggest regret?

Not relocating abroad.

What’s the first thing you look for in a partner and/or friend?


What is your greatest fear?


What is your life motto?

If there is one thing I have learnt is that life can throw the most insanely messed up things and situations your way but ultimately everything is resolved in the end and everything passes.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Zero tolerance for bullshit.

What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?

Not a thing, my dog Eva.


If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you do or buy?


If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

Paolo Sorrentino, Marlon Brando, James Gandolfini, Quentin Tarantino.

If you could bring one person back from the dead who’d it be?

My grandfather

If you could time travel, when and where would you go?

Woodstock of 1969

If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?

It is hard to choose when I have been blessed with so many beautiful moments.

If you could live anywhere outside Malta, where would it be?

California, USA

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Different variations of pasta

If you could know the truth behind a secret or mystery, which would it be?

The secret behind the Nevada base, known as Area 51 in America and the subject of alien conspiracy theories

If you could eliminate one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be?


If you had to be given a superpower, what would you choose?

Time travel



Coffee or tea?


Walk or swim?


Summer or winter?


Italy or England?


Restaurant or delivery?


Early bird or night owl?

Early bird

Fish or meat?


Mobile phone or TV?

Mobile phone

Black or white?


Film or TV series?


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