Government is set to spend an additional €145 million during 2022 to 2027 for new measures on the National Action Plan for a Child Guarantee, adding to the €195 million per year for existing ongoing measures.
Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon launched Malta’s National Action Plan for a Child Guarantee for the years of 2022 to 2030.
The aim is for the provision of services and benefits to families with children in need, within the fields of social welfare, education, healthcare, nutrition, and housing.
The measures will help prevent and combat social exclusion amongst children through the implementation of various measures such as social protection, early childhood education and care, education, and school-based activities, at least one healthy meal each school day and healthcare. Moreover, it also includes effective access to healthy nutrition and adequate housing.
Falzon said that children are part of today’s society, and the government has a responsibility to offer the best services and opportunities for children to advance in life.
The target group for the action plan are children in need, meaning those under 18 years of age at risk of poverty and social exclusion, as well as children living in precarious family situations with economic fragility.
Falzon said that all children are vulnerable, and the priority is to ensure accessibility of services.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Social Justice and Solidarity, the Family and Children's Rights Mark Musù introduced the main planned measures, which includes tax reduction from €100 to €300 per year for parents who send their children to sports, artistic or cultural activities.
Another measure is to extend free childcare service to all children, regardless of whether or not their parents’ work. An increase in the Children’s Allowance as well as extending the Scheme 9 initiative to allow all children to become eligible for all services is also among the planned measures. An increase in the In-Work Benefit paid to parents of children under 23 years of age will also be implemented.
Musù said that the action plan is another fundamental step to help vulnerable children to reach their potential irrespective of their starting point. He said it will strengthen the needs of children, especially those with a vulnerability.
Director General at the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights Denise Fiorentino presented the existing ongoing measures of the action plan as well as the new planned measures for the upcoming years. She said that the plan is another instrument which will support government in addressing the realities faced by disadvantaged children.