The Malta Independent 14 May 2024, Tuesday
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Getting to know Adrian Casha

Stephen Calleja Sunday, 21 August 2022, 10:30 Last update: about 3 years ago

Adrian Casha is a former FIFA Referee and a UEFA Match Delegate as well as a Vice President at the Malta Football Association. He is currently working at the MCAST CSR & Events Department after a 31-year-old career at Air Malta.

In 2018 Adrian was diagnosed with an early stage of Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 50. With the support of his family, friends and healthcare professionals as well as his sheer determination to continue leading an active lifestyle, he has managed to cope well and live a normal life.


Earlier this year Adrian was appointed as project manager of the Step Up For Parkinson’s voluntary organisation. His first impact was the successful Sport for Parkinson’s campaign to raise funds and much needed awareness about this fastest growing neurodegenerative disease in the world.


What was the last book you read?

My Life in Football – Kevin Keegan

Who is your favourite author?

Paulo Coelho

What was the last film you watched? 

Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey

Which film have you seen multiple times and enjoyed every time you saw it?

Escape from Sobibor

Who is your favourite actor/actress?

Russell Crowe / Meryl Streep

What is your favourite TV series?

Fawlty Towers

What is your favourite game or sport to watch and play?


Which team do you support?

Aston Villa

Which song would you sing at a karaoke night?

You Never Walk Alone

Who is your favourite singer/band?


Which show/event would you like to attend?   

A Coldplay concert

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

A book, a family photo and a torch

Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?


What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?

Kangaroo meat

What is that one thing you could not go a day without?

My mobile phone

Which fictional character do you relate to most?

Basil Fawlty

Do you check your horoscope?


What age would you choose if you could be one age forever?


What invention would you erase from history?

Nuclear weapons

Would you like to know the day when you will die?



What's your favourite animal?


What's your favourite type of foreign food?  


What is your favourite hobby?


What's your favourite season?


What's your favourite ice cream topping?


What's your favourite board game?


What is your favourite pizza?


What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite pasta dish?

Alle Vongole

What is your favourite cartoon show?

Scooby Doo


What did you like to do most during the summer holidays?

Playing outside

What career did you see yourself in when you were young?


What is your best childhood memory?

Receiving a table football game of Subbuteo as a Christmas present by my parents

Did you learn how to ride a bike?


Who was your super hero?


Which toy do you wish to have kept?

My first ever gift from my parents – a set of blocks

What subject did you excel in at school?


What subject did you dislike the most in school?


Was there some family tradition that was never missed?

Christmas lunch

What are the best values you owe to your parents?

Determination and perseverance


What would you change about yourself if you could?

Not to be so sensitive and worry so much

What really makes you angry?

Prejudice and injustices

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Half Full

Are you a sore loser?


What is your biggest regret?

Not having started my refereeing career younger than 22 years of age

What’s the first thing you look for in a partner and/or friend?


What is your greatest fear?

Losing my parents

What is your life motto?

Never give up

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Handle with care

What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?

Positive feedback

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you do or buy?

Tour the World

If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

Prince William, George Best, Kevin Keegan, Johan Cruyff

If you could bring one person back from the dead who’d it be?

My grandfather

If you could time travel, when and where would you go?

60s and 70s

If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?

The moment my name was announced as ‘Official of the Year 2003’ by the Sportswriters Association

If you could live anywhere outside Malta, where would it be?

United Kingdom

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If you could know the truth behind a secret or mystery, which would it be?

The End of the World

If you could eliminate one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it?


If you had to be given a superpower, what would you choose?

To read what others are thinking

Coffee or tea?


Walk or swim?


Summer or winter?


Italy or England?


Restaurant or delivery?


Early bird or night owl?

Night Owl

Fish or meat?


Mobile phone or TV?

Mobile Phone

Black or white?


Film or TV series?



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