The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Government offers ‘more money’ to nurses and midwives in sectoral agreement negotiations

Marc Galdes Thursday, 18 May 2023, 18:11 Last update: about 2 years ago

The government has offered "more money" to nurses and midwives in their latest meeting with the Malta Union for Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) which form part of negotiations for a new sectoral agreement.

President of the MUMN Paul Pace informed The Malta Independent that the union has achieved a "breakthrough" in their talks with the government over a new sectoral agreement.

However, Pace pointed out how other issues still need to be addressed, and that these will be addressed in upcoming meetings in the coming weeks.

Health Minister Chris Fearne posted on Twitter: "Productive meeting this afternoon with #MUMN re Sectoral Agreement for #Nurses and #Midwives - very good progress."

Two months ago, the union issued industrial action directives in protest of the government's proposals at the time, however, this was later called off and an Extraordinary General Meeting was called so that the members of the union could decide whether they agreed with the proposals or not.

This recent "breakthrough" comes after the MUMN said that it will give the government "another chance" for it to offer a stronger financial package after the majority of union members voted against the government's original sectoral agreement proposal.

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