The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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12 faults in the energy distribution system on Monday night, PN says

Sabrina Zammit Wednesday, 19 July 2023, 12:27 Last update: about 12 months ago

There were a total of 12 faults in the energy distribution system on Monday night, PN Energy Spokesperson Mark Anthony Sammut said Wednesday.

He said that sources have told him that five of these faults have happened around Mosta, Naxxar and Burmarrad, with the rest happening in other areas around Malta.

Tuesday night was also another night without electricity in certain parts of Malta, as the network could not keep up with the demand as temperatures soared into the 40s.

Sammut said that some of the faults have been fixed, but some areas remain without power. He added that there should be an immediate investment in the distribution system.

The MP said that there was a heavy increase in the population, which also meant more buildings, and this has resulted in “the distribution system not managing”.

The PN wants the government to start compensating consumers for the recurring blackouts, some of which are lasting for more than 12 hours. He said that this is already an applied system in other developed countries.

“The government promises a stable energy service of 230 volts, which does not vary more or less than 10 per cent”, he said adding that since lately this has not been the case “consumers should be compensated”.

Delving into some of the problems the population is facing, the PN MP David Aguis said that some families had to throw away food because the fridge was not working, some elderly had to go up many stairs because the lift is not working, whilst others had to leave their family homes in the middle of the night because they couldn’t sleep without the air condition.

The PN MP also highlighted some of the shortcomings by Enemalta.

Although thanking the workers “who are not at fault” for the recurring problems, he said that the company is currently facing a shortage in service cable.

He said that because of this, homeowners who are applying for the energy to be drawn in their property are having to wait months, as the current stock is being kept tight for emergency situations.

Sammut is urging the government to invest in the energy sector now and not wait for the “€15 million every year for six years investment plan”, announced by the Energy Minister Mirima Dalli last year.

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