The Malta Independent 18 June 2024, Tuesday
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Police warn of scam emails which claim recipients are being investigated for paedophilia

Thursday, 27 July 2023, 12:25 Last update: about 12 months ago

The police force has issued a warning over scam messages being sent to people's emails.

Over the past days, the police said, reports from people receiving such scam messages by email have continued to be filed. These scam emails are being sent in Maltese and claim to be drawing the receiver's attention to an investigation that was launched into the person receiving the email, after an alleged complaint was filed against them, and are being asked to contact an official of what it claims to be the "Brigade for the Protection of Minors within Interpol."


The scam email would also include an attachment, in English, with the word 'summons' where the person receiving the scam email would be told that they are being investigated for pornography, paedophilia and child abduction, among other things.

"This email is nothing more than a scam. If you receive it, ignore it," the police said, urging people to spread the word about this scam.

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