The Malta Independent 28 May 2024, Tuesday
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TMID Editorial: Supporting our neighbours

Friday, 29 December 2023, 10:30 Last update: about 6 months ago

L-Istrina raised over €5.27 million this year for the Malta Community Chest Fund. The funds will be used to help out those who need it, including the financing of expensive overseas medical treatment.

The Christmas and New Year’s period always sees the Maltese people come together to support others. Some such events include the Caritas Christmas lunch for those who would otherwise spend the holiday alone, which saw 500 people attend for instance. It was made possible thanks to volunteers who helped make it possible, and organisations that contributed the food and music. In a separate event, the soup kitchen catered for over 150 people on Christmas Day.


Also, in the lead-up to Christmas, the Prime Minister's wife had launched the fourth edition of the campaign Rigal Bi Mħabba, which encourages people to donate gifts for vulnerable children.

Another event is the annual telethon that will be held on New Year’s Day in aid of Dar Tal-Providenza.

This period is a time when the Maltese people come together to help those going through hard times, and the support given by people is to be commended. Indeed, we should not just limit such support to the Christmas period, but we should all strive to help those in need and those going through a tough time year round.

While the support given during the holidays warms the heart, it also brings about some reflection.

The fact that L-Istrina needs to raise funds for instance highlights the need for further improvements in our medical field. The fact that 500 people attended the Caritas lunch, shows just how big a problem loneliness in Malta is.

Then there are people with financial difficulties, and the rising Cost of Living is making things worse. Christmas can be an expensive time of year.

There are people struggling in the country, and both the government and the people who are in a better position can do more to help.

In terms of the general population, people could do their part by supporting the various charity organisations and shelters around the country throughout the rest of the year for instance.

It’s not easy getting back on your feet once you’ve fallen down, but sometimes a helping hand is enough to give a person the boost they need.

As for the government, it should further improve the medical facilities in the country to avoid people having to go abroad for certain treatment. While on the topic of medical facilities, Mater Dei is a great hospital, but it clearly has space problems right now, and the government needs to sort this problem out. It should also continue supporting, and increase support if needed, to NGOs that run shelters and NGOs that help those who have landed on hard times.

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