The national station has misled the public on items that will be cheaper as from today following an agreement reached by the government, importers and retailers, Nationalist MP Claudette Buttigieg said.
In a post on Facebook, Buttigieg said that contrary to the footage shown on the 8pm news on Wednesday – which is the most watched programme in Malta – there will be no price reductions on items such as fish, fruit and vegetables.
This is blatant misguidance to manipulate the people, the PN MP said.
The government yesterday issued a statement saying that more than 400 shops are participating in the price stability deal, which was reached last month in a bid to curb inflation.
Around 450 products will see a price reduction of 15% between today and end October.
But the list does not include items which TVM news showed in footage during the 8pm news. People watching the bulletin could be misled into thinking that fruit, vegetables and fish will see a price reduction, when it will not be the case.