The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Cadaver found at sea in Birzebbuga

Saturday, 10 February 2024, 13:40 Last update: about 5 months ago

At around 9.30am on Saturday, the police were informed that a cadaver was seen at sea in the area of Wied ix-Xaqqa, Birzebbuga.

Police then went to the location where the body was found, and assistance from the Civil Protection Department was requested. 

The body was retrieved by a Civil Protection boat and was then taken to a quay in Birzebbuga. Investigations conducted revealed that the body is that of a man, however an autopsy is expected to be carried out to establish the identity and cause of death as the body was found in an advanced state of decomposition. 

Duty Magistrate Dr Gabriella Vella has been informed of the case and ordered an inquiry, while police investigations are still ongoing. 

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