The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Education: towards a politics of appreciation – ADPD highlights role of educators

Saturday, 9 March 2024, 12:54 Last update: about 4 months ago

Spokespersons for ADPD-The Green Party addressed a press conference in front of the Birkirkara primary school as a token of appreciation towards educators in our schools.

ADPD’s deputy secretary general Mario Mallia emphasised that educators are key to the present and the future.  They are constantly being called upon to address and adapt to changes imposed on them, many a time without the necessary appreciation and support. 

Mallia argued that respect and support needs to be evident through messages and impressions from politics, that should work in the same direction as education in schools.  One of these aspects is the issue of accountability and standards in public life.

Politics is giving the impression that a sense of accountability applies to others but it does not apply to people on top.  The dearth of resignations from ministers following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia report, is the latest example of this.  This situation, together with others before it, give the distinct impression that being servile and cozying up to people in power is a certificate of eligibility for a place on a government board, which the public pays for from the nose. 

The Sofia report goes on to give the impression further that funds to award appointments on boards seems to have been available but no funds seem to have been found to employ an adequate number of inspectors that could have saved lives.  Youth are being fed the impression that money makes inroads and that the country is up for sale.  The state peddles the unrelenting impression that it is of little consequence that the rights of others, for clean air, open spaces and safety, are trampled upon.  Politics is giving the impression that paying a stratospheric salary to the commissioner for films to fund  foreign productions, whilst funding local talent becomes an oversight is not a problem. 

Schools are doing their best to teach their children a sense of community.  Politics seems to pedal egoism.  Schools are being taught to be confident in themselves whilst politics seems to be trampling on local creatives.  Schools teach accountability but all around them, being self serving and protected by friends of friends is becoming the norm.  Schools teach children the importance of skills and effort.  Politics teaches the importance of who you know.  Children are taught to value life, yet all around them they see life being subjugated to self interest and money. 

Mallia argued that these glaring contradictions are leading youth to become alienated from politics.  This is the legacy of a failed political system which is jeopardizing our country’s present and future democratic credentials.  Whilst showing appreciation once again towards educators for the sterling work they do, ADPD urges the government to educate by leading by example.

Sandra Gauci, the Chairperson of ADPD - The Green Party, argued that whilst educators’ collective agreement is being negotiated, it hopes that the outcome reflects a strong sense of respect and esteem that educators deserve.  It is only when educators feel respected that the chronic lack of teachers can be adequately addressed, argued Gauci.

This sense of respect needs to be reflected in educators that are trusted professionals.  This should lead to educators being afforded more spaces through which communities in schools are able to seek and offer creative solutions that work.  The role of the directorates should be limited to supporting schools rather than centralizing further their power.  Whilst the need for national policy on various aspects remains, schools should be afforded the necessary space to work and envision as they strive to find possibilities in addressing issues which include discipline, multiculturalism and other curricular aspects.

Educators have borne the brunt of reform fatigue as a result of changes which were not given enough time to be internalized before other changes were introduced.  This, according to Gauci, is leading to a lot of frustration among educators.  It is crucial for educators, and students not to feel a mere number, lost in large institutions, because this has a detrimental effect on their well-being and motivation.  “We need to keep doing our best to help educators give their best in an environment which feels safe, welcoming and democratic, backed up with a decent pay which reflects the central role that educators play and the challenges they face everyday”, concluded Gauci.



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