The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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PN is ‘planning a trap’ for supporters who attend demonstration for Muscat, Robert Abela claims

Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 20:39 Last update: about 24 days ago

Prime Minister Robert Abela has alleged that the Nationalist Party is planning 'a trap' for supporters of Joseph Muscat who attend a demonstration on 28 May.

Abela was asked by journalists outside Castille whether he backs the demonstration to support Joseph Muscat that will take place in front of the law courts on the day Muscat is set to appear in court. Muscat is facing criminal charges tied to the annulled hospitals deal.

"I am well informed that on 28 May the PN is planning a trap that is not nice at all," Abela said. "My appeal to the people is to keep calm and not fall for any provocation. I am convinced, as I know Joseph Muscat very well - I worked with him for a number of years and I know how he thinks - that like he never fell for traps that the Nationalist Party tried to lay for him over the years, he will not let anyone fall for this trap."

He said he is convinced Muscat will send the same message as he is, not to fall for provocation.

Asked why the PL is not disassociated itself from this demonstration, Abela did not say. Abela said that "the only electoral manifesto the PN has for this campaign consists of this inquiry. It is also evident that the last hope the PN thinks it has to start on the road to get back to Castille is to provoke tensions. It's a very ugly trap."

Later in the afternoon, Abela again appealed for calm during a political activity. He said that weeks ago he had told supporters not to fall for provocation. "There were those who asked what I was saying that day, and today many understand much better. Listen to the words of the Opposition. You know what they said, that we are moving to the 80s. They remained the same like that time, and they are still working the same way they did back then, letters abroad against our country, protests, attacks on our country's economy, Parliamentary disobedience, pressure on the country's institutions."

"I understand there are those among us who feel we should fight fire with fire... Fire is not put out with fire. Fire is put out with water. We, who love our country, cannot walk the same road as them. We who love our country must walk the hard road, that of calm, unity and patience," he said, before adding that "our duty is to build. It is easy to break, it is difficult to build but we are of steel and we will not fear taking the road of good, which is the one to work as much as we can for our country and continue implementing what we promised the people."

"No establishment can win against your vote. That is how we changed the country, with the strength of the votes of people of goodwill. That is why 8 June must remain an important date." 

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