The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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Inquiry launched into death of Mount Carmel detainee

Thursday, 1 August 2024, 13:47 Last update: about 8 months ago

An inquiry into the death of a man who had suffered head injuries last July while being kept at the Forensic Unit at Mount Carmel Hospital is underway.

The Times of Malta reports that Jesmond Gatt, who was 54, had been found in a pool of blood earlier this month.  It reports that Gatt was discovered on the ground in his room which housed two other inmates on July 13.

He passed away at 0.50am on Wednesday.

The Malta Independent sent questions to Prison director Christopher Siegersma.

“Unfortunately, the person you referred to, a resident at the Forensic Unit, had a long medical history that made him vulnerable. CSA has been informed that he slipped and hit his head and has consequently succumbed to his injuries at 00.50hrs today at Mater Dei Hospital. Nonetheless, a Magisterial inquiry is underway as per usual procedure,” Siegersma said.

“As with any other unit coordinated by the Correctional Services Agency, the Forensic Unit of Mount Carmel Hospital prioritises the safety and well-being of its patients. Collaborating with healthcare professionals and relevant authorities is essential in maintaining a standard that meets the requirements of a licensed facility.”

Gatt was charged with arson last April, for allegedly setting fire to a front door of a house in Hamrun while the occupant was inside. He had pleaded not guilty. While bail was originally denied, News reports read that he was awaiting release from bail following a decision in a later court sitting.

In a statement, the Nationalist Party said the government had tried to hide the death of a person in a public institution, and this was only made piublic by journalists.

The PN said that such information should be revealed by the government or its entities, with respect the principles of transparency, good governance and accountability.
The PN said it cannot understand why thid death was kept secret by the government.
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