The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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Hospitals case: Josie Muscat says he 'never, never' spoke to Vitals on cancer treatment project

The corruption case against Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri and others will continue today before magistrate Rachel Montebello. Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri are amongst a group of...

EU tells Maltese government to cut down on energy subsidies

The European Commission has called on Malta to gradually eliminate energy subsidies and take measures to ease traffic congestion and increase renewable energy. The recommendation came in a formal...

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Minister does not divulge exact cost of roadworks in response to Parliamentary questions

Transport Minister Chris Bonett refused to divulge the amount specific roadworks cost despite being asked in a number of Parliamentary Questions. PN MP Joe Giglio asked the minister to state when...

Defence teams in Fearne, Scicluna Vitals case fail in bid to get magistrate to recuse himself

A second attempt at arraigning former deputy prime minister Chris Fearne, Central Bank Governor and former finance minister Edward Scicluna and 13 others is set to take place this morning, having been...
